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What can I do to Minimize Importing Bad Data?
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    What can I do to Minimize Importing Bad Data?

    by RetailEdge Moderator » Tue Jan 24, 2006 4:43 pm

    Importing data into your system from an outside source or from another RetailEdge source has the potential to create "bad' data due to the generation of duplicate records or overwriting data with incorrect information. There are a number of things that you can do to minimize the risk of creating "bad" data during an import. Some of these are listed below. Make a RetailEdge backup of the existing Store's data prior to an import. If you are unsure of what a backup option is going to do, you should first try importing a single record to determine how RetailEdge will treat the data on an import.

    How does the import work?

    During an import, RetailEdge keys off of certain information in the existing databases to determine whether a record is an existing record to be modified or a record that is being added to the database. In most cases this is one field in the database. For instance in the inventory the key information is the item's Stock Number (SKU). If on an import the SKU is not found, RetailEdge will assume that the data is new and will add a new item to your inventory. However, in the case of the Customer Import, the criteria are much more complicated. This is to allow RetailEdge to accept data from outside sources (web stores) and to allow you to modify the customer database at another location. The REDI import key fields are listed below:

    * Department - Department ID
    * Inventory - Stock Number
    * Customer - Customer ID, First Name, Last Name, Street1
    * Vendor - Vendor ID
    * Sales - Same as Customer and inventory
    * Purchase Orders - PO Number
    * Receiving - None (always an add)

    Sales Import Limitations

    There are a number of limitations to a REDI Sales Export and Import. The REDI Sales Export will export standard sales transactions. It will NOT export:

    * Layaway sales or payments.
    * Opening and closing information.
    * Payouts.
    * Voided sales.
    * Any other "non-standard" sales.

    RetailEdge WILL export sales that use or redeem credits or house charges, however you will have to import these sales into the Saved Sales file and process the transactions manually (to ensure that the payments are properly applied or the customers credits are used)

    Ticket numbers and customer id numbers on sales data may be changed during the import process. The REDI Sales Import will not import the following types of transactions.

    * Layaways
    * Sales using or redeeming store credits.
    * Sales using house charges.
    * Sales using or redeeming gift certificates.

    Customer Import Limitations

    The key fields in a Customer Import are the First Name, Last Name, and Street1 fields. The general import criteria for a customer import is as follows:

    RetailEdge will only Update/Modify existing customer information with imported customer information if the criterion in one of the following four scenarios is met. Otherwise RetailEdge will assume that the Customer is NEW and will ADD the imported customer to the RetailEdge data.

    Scenario A (Outside Data Source/New Import) - Import file does not contain a Customer IDs or the Customer ID is 0 RetailEdge will UPDATE the customer record if the key fields all are non-blank AND all match exactly

    Scenario B - Import file record contains a Customer ID that DOES NOT match any in the Target customer data then RetailEdge will search the target customer database. RetailEdge will UPDATE the customer record if the key fields match (record can include blanks in primary fields).

    Scenario C - Import file record contains a matching CustomerID AND all three key fields match

    Scenario D - If the import file record contains a CustomerID AND it matches a CustomerIDs in the Target data and one of the First Name, Last Name or Street1 fields NOT blank. If two of the three primary fields match.

    With the customer imports you should keep the following rules in mind:

    1. If you are trying to import customers from an outside data source (with no customer Ids) and already have data in your customer list, you should first try the import with a small number of records. You can duplicate customers in the data very easily.

    2. If you are going to be making modifications to an existing customer database, you should make a complete backup of the data prior to making changes to the data at an offsite location. This will ensure that the Customer Ids match up as much as possible and ensure that modifications are recorded properly.

    3. You should always make a backup of the RetailEdge data prior to an import.

    4. You should try and have First Name, Last Name and the Street 1 fields all filled out. When there is any doubt of whether you are trying to modify an existing record or add a new record, RetailEdge will default to adding a new record.

    5. The same rules apply to customers added to a Sales Screen from an another RetailEdge source. So you should have the First Name, Last Name and the Street 1 fields all filled out when adding a customer to a sale. Otherwise, you may import a new customer (when you wanted to use an existing customer).

    Listed below are the REDI import file type and limitations.

    Customer Import Types {bmct blue.bmp} Add all records as new customers {bmct blue.bmp} Add only new customers {bmct blue.bmp} Add new customers and update/replace existing customers{bmct blue.bmp} Update/Replace existing customers only Additional Information Imported None Fields Imported Last Name, First Name, Street1, Street2, City, State, Zip, Country, Phone, Fax, E-Mail, User1, User2, User3, User4, User5 Limitations Does not import customer interests, notes or credits Department Import Types {bmct blue.bmp} Add new records only{bmct blue.bmp} Add new records and update/replace existing records{bmct blue.bmp} Update/replace existing records only Additional Information Imported None Fields Imported Department ID, Description Limitations Inventory Import Types {bmct blue.bmp} Add new records only (Quantity set to 0){bmct blue.bmp} Add new and update/replace existing records (Not Quantity){bmct blue.bmp} Update/Replace existing records only (not Quantity) Additional Information Imported Department List Vendors List Fields Imported Stock Number, Description, Department ID, Vendor ID, Cost, Retail, Tax, Min, Max, Quantity, Vendor Number, Stock Type, User1, User2, User3, User4, User5 Limitations Does not import inventory item notes or pictures Purchase Order Import Types {bmct blue.bmp} Add new records only{bmct blue.bmp} Update/Replace existing records only Additional Information Imported New InventoryNew DepartmentNew Vendor Fields Imported PO Number, Vendor ID, Orderer, Date Ordered, Ship Date, Cancel Date, Payment Date Vendor Notes, Terms, Ordered Limitations Does not import Purchase Order Store Notes Receiving Import Types {bmct blue.bmp} Add new records only {bmct blue.bmp} Add new records only (reverse quantities) Additional Information Imported New DepartmentNew Vendors Fields Imported Stock Number, Description, Department ID , Vendor ID, Cost, Retail, Tax, Min, Max, Quantity, Tag Count, Vendor Number , Stock Type , User1 , User2 , User3 , User4 , User5 Limitations Does not import item notes or pictures Sales Import Types {bmct blue.bmp} Add unprocessed sales to the Saved Sales file{bmct blue.bmp} Add processed sales to Today's Sales Additional Information Imported CustomersNew InventoryNew DepartmentsNew Vendors Fields Imported Sales Items, Payment Methods (for processed sales), Customer Information, Customer Shipping Information, Credit card information (for processed sales) Limitations Cannot import layaways (payments or sales), sales using or issuing credits, house charges or sales using gift certificates. Vendor Import Types {bmct blue.bmp} Add new records only{bmct blue.bmp} Add new records and update/replace existing records{bmct blue.bmp} Update/replace existing records only Additional Information Imported None Fields Imported Vendor ID, Description, Contact, Account Number, Street1, Street2, City, State, Zip, Country, Phone, Fax, E-Mail Limitations # $ + K A RetailEdge Multiuser License Requirements What requires the purchase of an additional copy of RetailEdge? With the addition of the import functions into RetailEdge, we have added a number of ways that you can use RetailEdge. However, there are still some uses that will need the purchase or either additional copies of the program or purchase or an additional workstation license. Listed below are some of the uses that will require the purchase of another copy of RetailEdge: 1. Another physical location running RetailEdge with a separate inventory. 2. Another location that is using all three of the main RetailEdge functions Inventory, Purchase Orders/Receiving, and Sales and operates continually for more than 2 weeks at a time. Typical types of uses that do NOT require the purchase of an additional copy of RetailEdge are: 1. Home Machine 2. Trade shows (operating less than 2 weeks) 3. Temporary trunk shows, tent sale, and "demo days" type applications. 4. Warehouse receiving 5. Machines used for temporary inventory management (price changes etc.) and 6. Kiosks (not containing separate inventories and are used only as adjuncts to the main store) 7. Temporary registers (operating less than 2 weeks) Typical types of uses that do require the purchase of an additional copy of RetailEdge are:. 1. Seasonal uses (using RetailEdge for more than 2 weeks continually e.g., summer rental shops) 2. Secondary stores. 3. Kiosk type stores if they are the primary store location. These are just examples. If you have any questions about whether you will need an addition RetailEdge license, please call us at 800-755-9692 or refer to the license agreement that came in your RetailEdge box.
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