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Discounting and Case Pricing for RetailEdge Point of Sale
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    Discounting and Case Pricing for RetailEdge Point of Sale

    by RetailEdge Moderator » Tue Jan 08, 2008 4:36 pm

    Many liquor shops and wine shops have asked questions about how to handle case pricing and discounting at the point of sale.

    If you want to give a 10% discount on cases, you will create a SKU for the case quantity and the individual bottle. The case will have a
    price that reflect a 10% discount from the bottle x 12 pricing. A few things about pricing and case splitting in RetailEdge 8.0.

    8.0 now has the concept of case splitting that you may or may not want to use. Cases can be used when you order items by the case load
    or by bulk, but sell by the individual unit. Just order the case item, and sell only the unit item. RetailEdge will automatically
    split the cases and adjust your inventory for the unit item. If the quantity of the unit item is 0 when you sell it, RetailEdge
    will automatically decrement the inventory quantity of the case item and split the case into the appropriate number of unit items and
    adjust the inventory quantity appropriately. RetailEdge inventory will support multiple inventory case levels (i.e, case, six pack,
    bottle, etc.).

    To setup an inventory case:
    1. Create an inventory item for the case item.
    2. Create an inventory item for the unit item.
    3. Click on the Case Tab.
    4. Check the Can this item come from a case quantity (i.e., a broken
    case) checkbox.
    5. Press the Add button and find the case inventory item you created.
    6. Enter the Case Quantity for the item (the number of unit items that
    make up the case item).

    b. Stock Numbers in RetailEdge still need to be unique. Sometimes the bottles and the cases have the same UPC code. So if you are not
    tagging items and are using the standard barcode on the bottle/SKU, you will need to create a unique stock number (e.g., cabernet_bottle,
    cabernet_case) and then scan the UPC in the UPC 1 or UPC 2 field for the item. Then when someone scans the item at the Point of Sale, they will be asked to select whether they want the case or individual bottle.

    c. RetailEdge has 6 different price levels on each item that will allow you to handle the discounting the way you want (Sug_Retail and
    Price 1 - 5). When you sell an item normally it will use Price 1. If you want a customer to have different pricing, then you can set them
    up to have Price 2 - 4 pricing. So you would set up your wines to have different price 2 pricing, but not shipping and wine tasting.
    The Suggested Retail pricing is used a couple of ways in the program. First, it can be used for the Was/Is or Their Price/Our Price tags.
    The Suggested Retail being Their Price or the Was Pricing. Second, since the sales screen will calculate a discount based on the
    Suggested Retail pricing. So if you want to have the customer to see a "discount" on their receipt you can set the Sug_Retail pricing on an
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