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Anthony Cares: Spotlight Discount: Mix and Match
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    Anthony Cares: Spotlight Discount: Mix and Match

    by Anthony » Thu Jan 26, 2017 2:19 pm

    This week I want to tackle an effective discount, the Mix and Match. So what is Mix and match? You may have seen at a popular "bath and body" store where you buy 3 of any soap and get them for $9.99. Why use this discount? It is really effective in getting customers to increase spending the store to get the “deal” while maybe moving some product that has been sitting for awhile. Here is how you create the rule using Pants as the sample item.

    1. Select Inventory | Discount Rules | Edit

    2. Select Add on the Discount Rules List window.

    3. On the Edit Discount Rule Window fill in the General Discount Rule Information.
    • -For the Discount Rule Name and Description it is recommended that you use a unique name to make it easily identifiable.

      -"Applies to" and "Discount Rule Type" are where you tell RetailEdge which type of rule you are setting up. There are many different types of discount rules so if you are curious please take a look at what is available.

      -"Start and End Dates" and "Start and End Times" are used to dictate when the discount rule would be in effect for.

      -Single day of the week is useful if you run a blow out Saturday type of sale.

      -Coupon Code and Required are if you only want to extend the discount as a coupon or if the customer refers to a “coupon code” they heard or saw via advertising for example.
    4. Edit the Rule Settings tab.

    This would be where you set the quantity of items that need to be purchased and the amount they would cost.

    5. Edit the Location Settings and Set the Filter Criteria
    • Edit the location settings if you do not want the discount to extend to different store locations
      Select the Filter Settings tab and select the Set Filter Criteria button.

    6. Select the Filter criteria

    Select how you want RetailEdge to select the items that would be included in the discount. For example I am selecting the Pants Department.

    7. Save your discount rule

    8. Select the Run Discount Rule Utility button on the Discount Rules – Batch Utility Window

    9. And you're all done!
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