Random Weight (Type 2 UPC) Items

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Random Weight (Type 2 UPC) Items

RetailEdge can properly interpret random weight UPC or EAN barcodes. These are codes that are typically marked on items weighed at the store (i.e., deli items, butcher items, etc.).


To enter random weight item in RetailEdge:


1.Fill out all the required inventory information.


2.Use the Inventory item's Stock Number, UPC1 or UPC2 field to designate the item value from the scale. The number entered into the RetailEdge field should be a 5 digit item number from the scale prefaced by the number 2 (i.e., 2XXXXX).


Random weight codes generated from the scale should have the following format:



XXXXX is the scale's item number

A is a center check digit and can be any number

PPPP is the item's price where the first two digits are the value price value before the decimal place and the second two digits are the value after the decimal place.

C is the barcodes check digit.


UPC Example


Scale Barcode: 212345019954

Stock Number, UPC1 or UPC2: 212345

Price: 19.95



XXXXX is the scale's item number

PPPPP is the item's price where the first three digits are the value price value before the decimal place and the second two digits are the value after the decimal place.

C is the barcodes check digit.


EAN Examples


Scale Barcode: 2012345198954

Stock Number, UPC1 or UPC2: 212345

Price: 198.95




Scale Barcode: 0212345198954

Stock Number, UPC1 or UPC2: 0212345

Price: 198.95    


Note: If the EAN barcode prints a leading 0 and is in the format 02XXXXXPPPPPC, then simply place a 0 in front of the RetailEdge identifier (02XXXXX) and make it a 7 digit identifier.


Note: Barcode scanners should be setup to transmit the full 12 digits of the UPC including the final check digit and 13 digits of an EAN. RetailEdge will not properly identify a random weight items if less than 12 digits of the UPC or 13 digits of the EAN are transmitted.